Reiki is a system of healing which is easy to learn and do. The name itself means " Spiritually Guided Life Force". This is the Energy you are working with. What makes QUANTUM SHAMANIC REIKI different is it combines the traditional Usui ancient healing technique by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist, with the Medicine work of Algonquin Shamanic and working parts of Quantum Physiscs.
It is Reiki evolved.
It is for healing all of life. Its Energy Healing that provides relaxation, stress reduction, chakra balancing and most importantly the healing of body, mind, and soul for yourself as the student and others. It is profoundly effective in person or via distance.
When learning Reiki, you realize that there are times when the practitioner is directing the Reiki energy and times when the Reiki energy does most of the work. In the higher levels of this training, you learn Algonquin Symbols (called Mazinaws). You are also taught to use your breath in a powerful, simple way to help move energy.
This is a comprehensive four (4) level training program from Reiki Level 1 to Master Level. Each level is taught separately; 2 days each – sometimes in person and sometimes zoom online. You will learn all you need to become proficient at healing yourself and beginning to work with others as well.
Michele' Keehn is a Quantum Shamanic Reiki Master having trained with Pete Bernard, Usui Reiki Master, Quantum Shamanic Reiki Master and Algonquin Medicine Man.
Check dates classes on Infiniti Trails 4 Healing FB page or this webpage
Phone: (780) 217-8146
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