Michelé Keehn is a dedicated healer and spiritual guide who specializes in helping individuals reclaim their inner child's heart and connect with their spiritual selves and reignite their souls' light. Her mission is to merge the spiritual and physical aspects of our beingness, fostering presence, balance, inner peace, and harmony. Michele's work involves re-parenting our emotional and mental selves, leading to personal growth, faith in the unknown, unseen and trust in our inner guidance.
With a lifelong commitment to serving others, Michelé empowers people to heal and embrace their soul's purpose, plan, path by learning to balance our professions or life of service with the fuel of our lifeforce energies and inspirations from our passions, pleasures and play in our personal life thus enabling ourselves to thrive. She focuses on breaking through limiting beliefs, behaviors and wounded patterns within, starting with the core beliefs formed during childhood that have taught us to believe in unhealthy, unbalanced ways of just getting by or sacrificing self for the betterment others by excluding ourselves as priority.
As the Owner, President, and Facilitator of Infiniti Trails 4 Healing and Equine Boarding Facility, Michelé's work revolves around the powerful connection between humans and horses. Her philosophy centers on the idea that the most important relationship one will cultivate and nurture is the one with self, as it influences the co-creation of everything.
Michelé holds certifications in various healing modalities, including Shamanism, Reiki Master (Quantum Shamanic Usui), Belief Re-Patterning Specialist, Tantrika, Healing Touch for Humans) HTA AP for Animals, and various techniques like Hot/ Cold Stone Massage, Embodiment Massage, Raindrop Massage and Ayurvedic Kansa Wand Massage for the soul, Sound and Vibrational Wellness. Michele hosts monthly On Line and In Person Supports and community Full and New Moon Fire ceremonies. She also serves as a Co-facilitator with her herd of Horses to offer Equine Facilitated Healing sessions and retreats , where her herd of horses plays a vital role in the healing and evolution of the humanity . Michele' especially loves to use her roles and medicines as Shamanka ( Midwife for the Soul and calling Spirit / Consciousness back into this human experience while healing the wars within that cause the illusions of separation in life) and her role as Presence Priestess Tantrika ( Midwifing the re-sensitization and reconnection with the body and energetics of the body through the Embodiment Massages) As humans we have disconnected from our personal I AM Presence on so many levels and we cannot live life fully alive and thriving unless we call back, reconnect and remember so to merge and marry all aspects of ourselves. Michele' is a Relationship Dynamics Facilitator for humans desiring to learn to navigate relationship consciously and require more embodied divine love and presence in themselves and their relationships.
Michelé offers custom retreat packages focusing on the holistic well-being of the body, mind, and soul. These SoulScapes Retreats N Stays provide opportunities for individuals to reconnect with self the soul, Spirit, nature, elements, and animals, including horses. While simultaneously teaching humans how to navigate healthier relationships.
As the Owner and Teacher of Equine Entrainment Certification Retreats, Michelé trains others in the human-horse partnerships for the collective healing and consciousness elevation.